1 Introduction

Sometimes Dot maps can have overlapped points that difficult the visualization of more specific patterns. Additionally, most times spatial data requires more explicit Google Maps-like geographic context.

Figure 1. (A) John Snow’s Density map. (B) John Snow’s Dot map complemented with the city street roads.
Figure 1. (A) John Snow’s Density map. (B) John Snow’s Dot map complemented with the city street roads.

In this lesson, we are going to learn about how use Density maps to avoid overlaps in them, and how to add Basemaps for Google Maps-like backgrounds.

2 Learning objectives

  1. Identify one more type of Thematic map (Density maps) used by epidemiologist to visualize overlapping Geospatial data.

  2. Complement Thematic maps with Basemaps for Google Maps-like backgrounds using the annotation_map_tile() function, from the {ggspatial} package.

3 Prerequisites

This lesson requires the following packages:

if(!require('pacman')) install.packages('pacman')

This lesson requires familiarity with {ggplot2}: if you need to brush up, have a look at our introductory course on data visualization.

4 Density map

4.1 What is it?

A Density map is a type of Thematic map where colours are used to represent intensity of a value, however, it does not use defined regions or geopolitical boundaries to group data. This type of map is typically used for showing ‘hot spots’ or areas with a high density or concentration of points.

Figure 4. (A). John Snow’s Dot distribution map with overlapping Point pattern data. (B) Density map from John Snow’s Dot distribution map Point pattern data.
Figure 4. (A). John Snow’s Dot distribution map with overlapping Point pattern data. (B) Density map from John Snow’s Dot distribution map Point pattern data.

4.2 How to plot it?

As an example, we are going to use the afriairports dataset, from the {afrilearndata} package, that contains the locations of African airports.

With a Dot map we get overlapping points using the geom_sf() function, as in here:

ggplot(data = afriairports) +

A Density map with {ggplot2} will require four main steps. Let’s use the afriairports dataset as an example:

  1. First, use epihelper::st_coordinates_tidy() to retrieve the point coordinates.
  2. Then, use the ggplot() function to define the new coordinates column names X and Y,
  3. Use the geom_bin_2d() function to depict the number of airports per area,
  4. Lastly, use the coord_sf() function to transform the figure X and Y axis:
    • fix their aspect ratio and
    • add a coordinate reference system format (for instance, from 30°S to 40°N in the Y axis).
afriairports %>% 
  # 👉 (1) extract coordinates
  st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
  # 👉 (2) define new coordinates with ggplot() 
  ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
  # 👉 (3) with a new geom function
  geom_bin_2d() +
  # 👉 (4) transform axis

Create a Density map with the pcrime data read from the pcrime.rds local file.

pcrime <- read_rds(here("data/pcrime.rds"))

Use the geom_bin_2d(), to portrait the number of crimes per area, faceted by the two types of crime in the column marks.

pcrime %>% 
  st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = X,y = Y)) +
  ........() +
  coord_sf() +

4.3 How to use it?

This type of Thematic map is best used with Environmental data, such as altitude, air pollution or rainfall data values measured at several monitoring stations.

Figure 5. Altitude data from The Gambia.
Figure 5. Altitude data from The Gambia.

Density maps are also used to visualize spatially continuous disease prevalence surfaces. For example, Moraga et al. (2019) used the prevalence values of malaria in children obtained from surveys conducted at 65 villages in The Gambia to predict the disease prevalence at unobserved locations, using a geostatistical model.

Figure 6. Predicted malaria prevalence in The Gambia.
Figure 6. Predicted malaria prevalence in The Gambia.

4.4 What alternative plots do we have?

There are two {ggplot2} alternatives to plot Density maps:

In one hand, the geom_density_2d_filled() function creates a contoured density plot to identify clusters of "count" values:

afriairports %>% 
  # (1) extract coordinates
  st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
  # (2) start ggplot
  ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
  # 👉 with an alternative geom function 👈
  geom_density_2d_filled(contour_var = "count") +
  # (4) transform axis

In the other hand, the stat_density_2d() allows to create a continuous surface of counted values from point data:

afriairports %>% 
  # (1) extract coordinates
  st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
  # (2) start ggplot
  ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
  # 👉 with an alternative geom function 👈
    geom = "raster",
    mapping = aes(fill = after_stat(count)),
    contour = FALSE) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  # (4) transform axis

Use the st_coordinates_tidy() function to extract the X and Y coordinates from the pcrime dataset.

This will be useful to built a Density map with geom_density_2d_filled() and portrait the number of crimes per area, faceted by the two types of crime in the column marks.

pcrime %>% 
  ........................ %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = X,y = Y)) +
  geom_density_2d_filled() +
  coord_sf() +

5 Basemaps

For all our previous maps, we only have partial context for what we are seeing. For a more integrative view, we may want to overlay our map over Google Maps-like physical features. These are called Basemaps.

5.1 In a Dot map

For example, for our London cholera outbreak Dot map, we want to overlay it on the London street map—and this is exactly what {ggspatial} lets us do.

Figure 7. John Snow’s Dot map.
Figure 7. John Snow’s Dot map.

The annotation_map_tile() function adds a layer of map tiles pulled from Open Street Map. We can control the zoom level. Here, we map the number of deaths at each location to the size of the dot.

cholera_deaths <- read_rds(here("data/cholera_deaths.rds"))

ggplot(data = cholera_deaths) + 
  # 👉 add a basemap 👈
  annotation_map_tile(zoomin = 0) + 
  # continue with ggplot
  geom_sf(mapping = aes(size = Count), alpha = 0.5)

Add a Basemap to a Dot map using the africapitals object and the annotation_map_tile() function.

ggplot(data = africapitals) +
  .......() + 
  geom_sf(mapping = aes(size = pop), alpha = 0.5)

5.2 In a Density map

Add a Basemap to a Density map using the pcrime object and the annotation_map_tile() function.

pcrime %>% 
  # (1) extract coordinates
  st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
  # (2) start ggplot
  ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
  # 👉 add a basemap 👈
  annotation_map_tile(zoomin = 0) + 
  # (3) with a new geom function
  geom_bin_2d() +
  # (4) transform axis
  coord_sf() +
  # facet

  • The basemap must be bellow the geom_* function!

Use two functions, annotation_map_tile() and geom_bin_2d(), to add a Basemap to a Density map using the afriairports object.

afriairports %>% 
  st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
  ...........() + 
  ...........() +

6 Wrap up

In this lesson, we have learned about one more type of Thematic map called Density maps to avoid overlapping spatial points. Also, how to add Google Maps-like backgrounds called Basemaps.

But, How can we create more Thematic maps from external Spatial data created by other GIS software? In the following lessons, we are going to learn how to read external Spatial data and convert foreign objects to sf files! Follow along with the lessons to find how to train these skills!

Answer Key

Practice 1

pcrime %>% 
    @@ -366,7 +352,7 @@ pcrime %>%
## Error: <text>:2:9: unexpected '@'
## 1: pcrime %>% 
## 2:         @
##            ^

Practice 2

pcrime %>% 
    @@ -377,15 +363,15 @@ pcrime %>%
## Error: <text>:2:9: unexpected '@'
## 1: pcrime %>% 
## 2:         @
##            ^

Practice 3

ggplot(data = africapitals) +
    annotation_map_tile() + 
    geom_sf(mapping = aes(size = pop), alpha = 0.5)

Practice 4

afriairports %>% 
    epihelper::st_coordinates_tidy() %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
    annotation_map_tile() + 
    geom_bin_2d() +


The following team members contributed to this lesson:


Some material in this lesson was adapted from the following sources:

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